Wednesday, November 29, 2006
give me wings
i've been doing everything except study, one whole damn day.
so many things on my mind, sighhhh. i just drift into lalaland everytime i seat myself in front of my HR notes. this is so annoying. :(
someone please save me!!!
p.s. i still havn't watched material girls till now, rrrrraaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. & i have a break from 12-3 tomorrow, all alone, cause dada & edwin & momo has their elective classes. *(!@&
blows a kiss
11:33 PM
Monday, November 27, 2006
& lollipops are my saving grace
i'm in desperate need of therapy. or dumping all my emotional & stressful load on a nice shrink, would work too. but for now, i'll settle for retail therapy, which CANISAY is muchos less expensive. :D
retail therapy does wonders.
meanwhile, i hate biz finance with a vengeance. growwwwls. & to think i'm off to battle with HR now. growwwwwlsX2oooo.
blows a kiss
11:11 PM
Friday, November 17, 2006
my love
slimderella is so cute! :D
ms swan is so irrrrrrrrrritating my godddddddddd. credits to jingting for the video. hahahahhaa, but funny nonetheless. exasperating like hell.
i've been feeling happy these days. the biz law test is overrrrrrrrrrrr. i got to explore vivo. I AM A PROUD OWNER OF TEH ZARA BLACK SKINNNNNNIES! so fabuloooosh. & the boyf has been an angelllllllllll. such a sweetheart please. :D i'm a happy happy girrrrrrrrrrl. yay.
tho now there's 2 more tests looming ahead, and more projects to start on. sighhhhhhhhhhhhh.
& tomorrow you see me buried in biz finance. ;lU(dsfihasdkjfhjdhsdfhjkgd463gvdx foqiwr
hogay goodnight world. i'm too tired. :(
blows a kiss
12:01 AM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
tuesdays i think are slowly becoming the day of the week where i get to meet the boy. :D tho i really wish we could meet more often. :( booooo. the schedules are really getting very unforgiving on us. sadddddddd.
the hari raya outing scheduled for wednesday with nurul & co was cancelled. saddddddddd. so i spent the day moping at home, lamenting over the amount of work to be done.
& date with jie was cancelled :( cause the ict project is still not completed. just when i thought i could find some sanity.
& so friday evening was spent cooped up in the school lab. attempting to finish our ict project. wishing i was elsewhere or out there relaxing. watching the guys binge on nuggets. i think they consumed nearly 50nuggets. 0.0 -gulps.
& today, URGHHHH I WASTED A HELLA OF A GOOD DAY TODAY!!!! grrrrrahhhhhh. initial plans was that the parents were gonna drrrag me to jb. and just when i set aside the day for them, they decided to argue at 11am in the morning over SODDING TEABAGS. like aojalksfashfkajhfjahsfjakfshsakjhwtf?!?!? psychotic parents i have. and added with the fact that the stupid clouds does not wanna ease on its tears, you get me and my parents sitting at home. them fuming at each other, me fuming at them. grrrrrrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
& i thought, fine okay, i shall continue with my work and study for the icas. but i then again i decided not to continue, cos hell i need a break!!!! but then ITS SO MAJORLY BORING that i'm like physical & mentally fighting with myself. Nurul A says "DO SOME WORK DAMMIT! you know you have lots of work to complete" while Nurul B says "DONT DO ANY WORK FOR THE DAY DAMMIT! you need a welldeserved break"
and so far Nurul B's been winning.
but soon Nurul A is gonna triumph cos i think i have nothing else to do except for school work now.
how sad is this. turning away free time for schoolwork.
blows a kiss
9:11 PM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
gentle smile
jingting says i never write about her. so here you go, an entry just for you FOO JINGGGGGGG TINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.
p.s. FOOJINGTING, cause you love spongebob so much, i assigned you, amanda & chingy the AREEEEE YOU READDDDDDY KIDDDS!!!! AYE AYE CAPTAIN!!!! ringtone scared the living daylights out of me this morning. i nearly jumped off my bed. *mutters "stupid spongebob..."
p.p.s. to everyone else, please go watch this video.
hella funnehhhhh. watch till the end, the feedback get even quirkier.
blows a kiss
7:49 PM
Thursday, November 02, 2006
monday was spent recuperating & collecting back all the energy lost after the crazy weekend of hari rayaing with the family. but it was funnnnnnnnnnnnn. i got to play with CUTE SMART LITTLE AISYAH. i swear she is the smartest 1year 2months old kid around, her innocent reaction to stuff that fascinates her is just oh so adorable. i love her so so so so so so much. i wish i could just keep her in my pocket. but boy is it tiring to run after her all the time, she has tons & tons of energy that little bundle of joy. :D wednesday, was sentosa-ing with the guys & amandadadada. thursday was duh, as usual, my biz law classes at night. :( & friday, i was out with my lovely girls!!!!! :D but i swear i was so tired. the pictures themselves are proof. no picture i took was nice, eyebags & all. so so so so tired. i'm starting to wear out, me oldddd oleady. :( but at least i managed to catch up with them. :D but booooooooooo, we didnt get to take picture with the momsy hen. raahhhh... so thats my dajie, erjie & mememe. i cringe when i look at myself. i really should go get some rest. :( while todayyyyy, was harirayaing with the boy & company. i'm helllllla tired now. out for approx 12+hours to 7 houses. kudos to aishah & bud for driving us around. if not, i think i would have KO-ed halfway through. LOLLL. but i got to meet nizam's GORGEYYYYY KITTENS!!!! dammit. i was so tempted to stuff one into my handbag, but noooo, she couldnt possibly fit. sighhhh. nizam, can you please please please just give me FC. i fell in love at first sight. nuh's cat is super cute too please, resting its chin at the leg rest. lazzzzy lazzzzy ah you. while harith's cat is soooo fat!!! & me loves fat cats. but so scared of people. :( ahhh dammit, i'm goo goo gaa gaaing over cats. hahaha. so we had fun moments, khaiyisha (sorry me nono how to spell your name till now) & me racing talib&harith, the walkfast brothers. & i swear my melissas were a BITCHHHHH to wear today. #%(*@ i should have just worn my 4.5" heels, which i can swear to you would have been much comfier than this 3.5" melissas. & kin's panic over his loss of 4kg. like wtf9871348761r hakjfchbagcbhasb I KNOW!!!!!! i told him that if i post this up, people would clobber him for coming up with such a statement, there are people who would die to lose weight. LOLLLL. he just starting feeding himself lotsa junk, feeling sad. like wth i know! so please, kindly clobber him! hogayyyy, enough storytelling, some pictures! tho quite a bit of the pictures were blurrrr. :( i guess people are just not used to using my camera. dangggg. tomorrow is yet another day of crazy hari rayaing (i hope not) night loves. :D
candycanemy big jolly family! <3
& after school on tuesday evening was spent with the boy. we had gelare after dinner //dinner was so substandard please. the creamy pasta was so uncreamy. :( ! neverending craving for gelare that boy! i would build him a waffle house one day. heh. beeeeboooooooo, do you want a waffle house? :D :D :D traipsed all the way to sentosa just to get a picture taken for the silly national education module that we're to do. pretty stupid. but we had some fun at least.
played silly card games that rocked the subway at sentosa down. =O & they managed to play some frisbee in the drizzle, in compensation for the lack of sea soaking cause of the weather. i swear the loudhailers that the lifeguards use can render you deaf. while amanda & sha & me were happily enjoying our ben&jerrrrrys and laughing at some china man who i bet was secretly interested in sha. hardyharhar.
went to vivo for dinner after that. & i must say, BOYS WILL BE BOYS. they went kookoo in toys'r'us. =P & i didnt get to explore. :( so anyways, those are the silly boys down there. saluting some lifesized toy policeman, playing with swords, pretending to be kawaii girls with blue hair 0.0, playboy jacky & hello kitty teejun.
& baby! there was this huge bigger than life sized transformer!!!! a peekture taken just for you. (: please pardon this extra long post la hogayyy. you can tell how packed my week was, i couldnt finish updating each time. so in the end, it keeps getting saved as draft. & i swore to myself tonight that i'll complete the entry. its been a weeeeek yo. so now i'm off to go to bed & talk sweetnothings with the boy & slip off into dreamland soundly.
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